Quest:Breach in the Darkness: The Withered Foe

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Breach in the Darkness: The Withered Foe
Level 100
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Rathon
Starts at Players' Tier
Start Region Old Anórien
Map Ref [64.7S, 19.9W]
Quest Group Old Anórien: Minas Tirith
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Perhaps the followers of the Withered Tree can be redeemed. Though they are wrong in their ways, they are still just men of Gondor. Try to talk to some of them if they are willing. The men of Gondor must band together if we are to win this war.'


The Withered Tree has taken hold of the Cisterns and it is up to you to try and talk some sense into the Gondorians who have lost their way.

Objective 1

  • Talk to members of the Withered Tree (0/10)

The Withered Tree can be found in the Cisterns.

You should try and talk some sense into members of the Withered Tree.